The Recovery Café of Clark County Provides Strong Community Support To Help Curb Addiction

Ending drug dependency and addiction can be challenging to complete and sustain independently. Fortunately, there's a safe haven available if you, a friend or a family member wants to live a clean and sober life. The Clark County Recovery Café offers members a supportive community where people can get the help they need to discover a path to recovery.

Specializing in Helping People With Recovery

Statistics from Washington state DSHS indicate that 10 percent or about 47,000 Clark County individuals struggle with behavioral health and substance use disorders. Offering these individuals encouragement and hope is done by the community operating the Clark County Recovery Café. It's designed to help members stay in treatment and continue to recover after treatment.

Joining the Clark County Recovery Café as a Member

Membership is free if you want to join the Clark County Recovery Café. If you've been clean and sober for the last 24 hours and have a willingness to get better, you may want to become a member. Everyone has a story to tell when they have struggled with addiction. It's a community disease and overcoming it is best done by working together. The Recovery Café is a place where you can meet with like-minded members who are working on living a substance-free life. Meeting once a week in a recovery circle provides you with the connection to stay motivated. Recovery coaches are also available at the Recovery Café. They promote recovery, remove barriers, connect people with recovery services needed, and offer hope along with encouragement.

Providing a Gift To Help Support the Recovery Café Clark County Mission

Breaking the cycle of addiction can be challenging when dealing with homelessness and mental health challenges. Providing a gift by donating to this cause can be done easily by visiting them in person, making a tax-deductible donation online or donating over the phone.

Register Today for a Silent Auction Benefit and Dinner

While nonprofit fundraising using online appeals, direct mail and grant writing has helped support the Clark County Recovery Café, transitioning to a model where donors provide a lifelong sustainable relationship is a current goal. Helping this vision become a reality can be completed by sponsoring a table at the "Every Day is a Miracle" silent auction benefit and dinner, which will be held April 16, 2022 from 6 PM to 10 PM at the Heathman Lodge In Vancouver Washington. If you're unable to attend and would like to support the Clark County Recovery Café mission and vision, you can also donate.

Learn more about the Recovery Café:

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